Principal Investigator
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 42 – 44
60596 Frankfurt a. M., Germany
1991 - 1998 | Medicine, University of Hamburg University of Vienna, Austria |
2008 | Habilitation in Internal Medicine, Medical Clinic II, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich |
1998 | MD thesis in Neurobiology/Pharmacology, University Hamburg |
Since 2019 | Speaker, LOEWE-Center “Frankfurt Cancer Institute”, Frankfurt a. M. |
Since 2013 | Director, Georg-Speyer-Haus, Frankfurt a. M. |
Since 2013 | Professor (W3) of Tumor Biology, GU Frankfurt a. M. |
2010 - 2013 | Professor (W2), Medical Clinic II and Institute of Molecular Immunology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich |
2005 - 2010 | Emmy Noether Group Leader |
2004 - 2010 | Resident, Medical Clinic II, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University Munich |
2001 - 2004 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA |
1998 - 2000 | Physician in Training/Clinical Resident (Internal Medicine), Ulm University |
2021 | ERC Advanced Grant |
2019 | Medicine &Science Award, Felix Burda Foundation |
2015 | Member of „Hinterzartener Kreis der DFG für Krebsforschung“ |
2014 | Innovationspreis Lebenswissenschaften anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M. |
2013 | Wilhelm Vaillant Prize, Wilhelm Vaillant Foundation, Germany |
2012 | German Cancer Prize, DKG Berlin |
2011 | ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council Executive Agency |
2010 | AIO Wissenschaftspreis by the German Cancer Society |
2010 | Dr. Emil Salzer Prize for Translational Cancer Research by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) |
2010 | Johann Georg Zimmermann Award for Cancer Research, Deutsche Hypo |
2009 | European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) Research Award Lecture |
2007 | PRO SCIENTIA Award, Eckhart Buddecke Foundation, Germany |
2006 | “Rising Star”, Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology (ASNEMGE) |
Braun LM, Giesler S, Andrieux G, Riemer R, Talvard-Balland N, Duquesne S, Rückert T, Unger S, Kreutmair S, Zwick M, Follo M, Hartmann A, Osswald N, Melchinger W, Chapman S, Hutchinson JA, Haferkamp S, Torster L, Kött J, Gebhardt C, Hellwig D, Karantzelis N, Wallrabenstein T, Lowinus T, Yücel M, Brehm N, Rawluk J, Pfeifer D, Bronsert P, Rogg M, Mattern S, Heikenwälder M, Fusco S, Malek NP, Singer S, Schmitt-Graeff A, Ceteci F, Greten FR, Blazar BR, Boerries M, Köhler N, Duyster J, Ihorst G, Lassmann S, Keye P, Minguet S, Schadendorf D, Ugurel S, Rafei-Shamsabadi D, Thimme R, Hasselblatt P, Bengsch B, Schell C, Pearce EL, Meiss F, Becher B, Funke-Lorenz C, Placke JM, Apostolova P, Zeiser R. Adiponectin reduces immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced inflammation without blocking anti-tumor immunity. Cancer Cell. 2025 Feb 10;43(2):269-291.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2025.01.004.
Boonsanay V, Mosa MH, Looso M, Weichenhan D, Ceteci F, Pudelko L, Lechel A, Michel CS, Künne C, Farin HF, Plass C, Greten FR. Loss of SUV420H2-Dependent Chromatin Compaction Drives Right-Sided Colon Cancer Progression. Gastroenterology. 2023 Feb;164(2):214-227. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.10.036.
Conche C, Finkelmeier F, Pešić M, Nicolas AM, Böttger TW, Kennel KB, Denk D, Ceteci F, Mohs K, Engel E, Canli Ö, Dabiri Y, Peiffer KH, Zeuzem S, Salinas G, Longerich T, Yang H, Greten FR. Combining ferroptosis induction with MDSC blockade renders primary tumours and metastases in liver sensitive to immune checkpoint blockade. Gut. 2023 Jan 27:gutjnl-2022-327909. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327909. Epub ahead of print.
Schmitt M, Ceteci F, Gupta J, Pesic M, Böttger TW, Nicolas AM, Kennel KB, Engel E, Schewe M, Callak Kirisözü A, Petrocelli V, Dabiri Y, Varga J, Ramakrishnan M, Karimova M, Ablasser A, Sato T, Arkan MC, de Sauvage FJ, Greten FR. Colon tumour cell death causes mTOR dependence by paracrine P2X4 stimulation. Nature. 2022 Dec;612(7939):347-353. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05426-1.
Denk D, Petrocelli V, Conche C, Drachsler M, Ziegler PK, Braun A, Kress A, Nicolas AM, Mohs K, Becker C, Neurath MF, Farin HF, Buchholz CJ, Andreux PA, Rinsch C, Greten FR. Expansion of T memory stem cells with superior anti-tumor immunity by Urolithin A-induced mitophagy. Immunity. 2022 Nov 8;55(11):2059-2073.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.09. 014. Epub 2022 Oct 19.
Inflammation: the incubator of the tumor microenvironment. Trends Cancer. 2022 Nov;8(11):901-914. doi: 10.1016/j.trecan.2022.07.002. Epub 2022 Jul 28.
Nicolas AM, Pesic M, Engel E, Ziegler PK, Diefenhardt M, Kennel KB, Buettner F, Conche C, Petrocelli V, Elwakeel E, Weigert A, Zinoveva A, Fleischmann M, Häupl B, Karakütük C, Bohnenberger H, Mosa MH, Kaderali L, Gaedcke J, Ghadimi M, Rödel F, Arkan MC, Oellerich T, Rödel C, Fokas E, Greten FR. Inflammatory fibroblasts mediate resistance to neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer. Cancer Cell. 2022 Feb 14;40(2):168-184.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.01.004.