Natalie Köhler

Principal Investigator

Department of Hematology, Oncology and Stem-Cell Transplantation
Medical Center University of Freiburg

Breisacher Str. 115
79106 Freiburg

Current position

Junior Professor (tenure track) for precision targeting of signalling, Department of Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Medical Center University of Freiburg

Academic training

2006 - 2011Diploma in Molecular Medicine, University of Freiburg
01/11 - 12/11Diploma thesis, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Advanced academic qualifications

2015PhD in Molecular Medicine (summa cum laude), Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, University of Freiburg

Postgraduate positions

Since 05/2021Juniorprofessorship (tenure track) for precision targeting of signalling, Department of Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Medical Center University of Freiburg
05/19 - 05/21Junior group leader, Medical Center University of Freiburg
09/19 - 11/19Research Fellowship, Stanford University, USA
2018 - 2019Postdoctoral Researcher, Medical Center University of Freiburg
2015 - 2017Medical Trainee and Medical Manager Haematology & Oncology, Roche Pharma AG
2012 - 2015PhD in Molecular Medicine, Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, University of Freiburg

Miscellaneous (Honors, Awards)

2020/21Selected for participation in the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
2020EQUIP Medical Scientist Scholarship, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg
2019 Grünewald-Zuberbier-Stiftung scholarship for research rotation at Stanford University
2019Mechtild Harf Research Grant, DKMS
2018EIRA Mentoring Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg
2015ASH Abstract Achievement Award, ASH Annual Meeting, USA
2015DAG-KBT Research Award (German Working Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation)
2014Barbara Hobom Prize for excellent female scientists, BIOSS, Freiburg
2014ASH Abstract Achievement Award, ASH Annual Meeting, USA
2014Travel grant for research visit at the University of Adelaide (AC21 program)
2012SGBM 3-year PhD scholarship (Excellence Initiative)
2011Carl Duisberg scholarship (Bayer fellowship program) for diploma thesis in the USA
2006Karl-von-Frisch Preis Baden-Württemberg for outstanding achievements in biology

Publications (based on CRC1479 funding)

Braun LM, Giesler S, Andrieux G, Riemer R, Talvard-Balland N, Duquesne S, Rückert T, Unger S, Kreutmair S, Zwick M, Follo M, Hartmann A, Osswald N, Melchinger W, Chapman S, Hutchinson JA, Haferkamp S, Torster L, Kött J, Gebhardt C, Hellwig D, Karantzelis N, Wallrabenstein T, Lowinus T, Yücel M, Brehm N, Rawluk J, Pfeifer D, Bronsert P, Rogg M, Mattern S, Heikenwälder M, Fusco S, Malek NP, Singer S, Schmitt-Graeff A, Ceteci F, Greten FR, Blazar BR, Boerries M, Köhler N, Duyster J, Ihorst G, Lassmann S, Keye P, Minguet S, Schadendorf D, Ugurel S, Rafei-Shamsabadi D, Thimme R, Hasselblatt P, Bengsch B, Schell C, Pearce EL, Meiss F, Becher B, Funke-Lorenz C, Placke JM, Apostolova P, Zeiser R. Adiponectin reduces immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced inflammation without blocking anti-tumor immunity. Cancer Cell. 2025 Feb 10;43(2):269-291.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2025.01.004.

Catalano A, Haas LS, Zodel K, Adlesic M, Cuomo F, Peighambari A, Metzger P, Huang H, Haug S, Köttgen A, Köhler N, Boerries M, Frew IJ. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes Vhl and Rassf1a cause DNA damage, chromosomal instability and induce gene expression changes characteristic of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Kidney Int. 2024 Dec 24:S0085-2538(24)00912-8. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2024.12.003. Epub ahead of print. Talvard-Balland N, Braun LM, Dixon KO, Zwick M, Engel H, Hartmann A, Duquesne S, Penter L, Andrieux G, Rindlisbacher LS, Acerbis A, Ehmann J, Köllerer C, Ansuinelli M, Rettig A, Moschallski K, Apostolova P, Brummer T, Illert AL, Schramm MA, Cheng Y, Köttgen A, Duyster J, Menssen HD, Ritz J, Blazar BR, Boerries M, Schmitt Graeff A, Sariipek N, van Galen P, Buescher JM, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Pahl HL, Pearce EL, Soiffer RJ, Wu CJ, Vago L, Becher B, Köhler N, Wertheimer T, Kuchroo VK, Zeiser R. Oncogene induced TIM-3 ligand expression dictates susceptibility to anti-TIM-3 therapy in mice. J Clin Invest. 2024 Jun 25:e177460. doi: 10.1172/JCI177460. Epub ahead of print. Schmidt D, Endres C, Hoefflin R, Andrieux G, Zwick M, Karantzelis N, Staehle HF, Vinnakota JM, Duquesne S, Mozaffari Jovein M, Pfeifer D, Becker H, Blazar BR, Zähringer A, Duyster J, Brummer T, Boerries M, Baumeister J, Shoumariyeh K, Li J, Green AR, Heidel FH, Tirosh I, Pahl HL, Leimkühler N, Köhler N, de Toledo MAS, Koschmieder S, Zeiser R. Oncogenic Calreticulin Induces Immune Escape by Stimulating TGF-β Expression and Regulatory T Cell Expansion in the Bone Marrow Microenvironment. Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 17. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-3553. Epub ahead of print. Vinnakota JM, Adams RC, Athanassopoulos D, Schmidt D, Biavasco F, Zähringer A, Erny D, Schwabenland M, Langenbach M, Wenger V, Salié H, Cook J, Mossad O, Andrieux G, Dersch R, Rauer S, Duquesne S, Monaco G, Wolf P, Blank T, Häne P, Greter M, Becher B, Henneke P, Pfeifer D, Blazar BR, Duyster J, Boerries M, Köhler N, Chhatbar CM, Bengsch B, Prinz M, Zeiser R. Anti-PD-1 cancer immunotherapy induces central nervous system immune-related adverse events by microglia activation. Sci Transl Med. 2024 Jun 12;16(751):eadj9672. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adj9672. Epub 2024 Jun 12. PMID: 38865481. Vinnakota JM, Biavasco F, Schwabenland M, Chhatbar C, Adams RC, Erny D, Duquesne S, El Khawanky N, Schmidt D, Fetsch V, Zähringer A, Salié H, Athanassopoulos D, Braun LM, Javorniczky NR, Ho JNHG, Kierdorf K, Marks R, Wäsch R, Simonetta F, Andrieux G, Pfeifer D, Monaco G, Capitini C, Fry TJ, Blank T, Blazar BR, Wagner E, Theobald M, Sommer C, Stelljes M, Reicherts C, Jeibmann A, Schittenhelm J, Monoranu CM, Rosenwald A, Kortüm M, Rasche L, Einsele H, Meyer PT, Brumberg J, Völkl S, Mackensen A, Coras R, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Albert NL, Bartos LM, Brendel M, Holzgreve A, Mack M, Boerries M, Mackall CL, Duyster J, Henneke P, Priller J, Köhler N, Strübing F, Bengsch B, Ruella M, Subklewe M, von Baumgarten L, Gill S, Prinz M, Zeiser R. Targeting TGFβ-activated kinase-1 activation in microglia reduces CAR T immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome. Nat Cancer. 2024 May 13. doi: 10.1038/s43018-024-00764-7. Epub ahead of print. Czech M, Schneider S, Peltokangas N, El Khawanky N, Ghimire S, Andrieux G, Hülsdünker J, Krausz M, Proietti M, Braun LM, Rückert T, Langenbach M, Schmidt D, Martin I, Wenger V, de Vega E, Haring E, Pourjam M, Pfeifer D, Schmitt-Graeff A, Grimbacher B, Aumann K, Kircher B, Tilg H, Raffatellu M, Thiele Orberg E, Häcker G, Duyster J, Köhler N, Holler E, Nachbaur D, Boerries M, Gerner RR, Grün D, Zeiser R. Lipocalin-2 expression identifies an intestinal regulatory neutrophil population during acute graft-versus-host disease. Sci Transl Med. 2024 Feb 21;16(735):eadi1501. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adi1501. Epub 2024 Feb 21.

Maas-Bauer K, Köhler N, Stell AV, Zwick M, Acharya S, Rensing-Ehl A, König C, Kroll J, Baker J, Koßmann S, Pradier A, Wang S, Docquier M, Lewis DB, Negrin RS, Simonetta F. Single-cell transcriptomics reveal different maturation stages and sublineage commitment of human thymic invariant natural killer T cells. J Leukoc Biol. 2024 Jan 19;115(2):401-409. doi: 10.1093/jleuko/qiad113.

Nelde A, Schuster H, Heitmann JS, Bauer J, Maringer Y, Zwick M, Volkmer JP, Chen JY, Stanger AMP, Lehmann A, Appiah B, Märklin M, Rücker-Braun E, Salih HR, Roerden M, Schroeder SM, Häring MF, Schlosser A, Schetelig J, Schmitz M, Boerries M, Köhler N, Lengerke C, Majeti R, Weissman IL, Rammensee HG, Walz JS. Immune Surveillance of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Is Mediated by HLA-Presented Antigens on Leukemia Progenitor Cells. Blood Cancer Discov. 2023 Nov 1;4(6):468-489. doi: 10.1158/2643-3230.BCD-23-0020.

Rückert T, Andrieux G, Boerries M, Hanke-Müller K, Woessner NM, Doetsch S, Schell C, Aumann K, Kolter J, Schmitt-Graeff A, Schiff M, Braun LM, Haring E, Kissel S, Siranosian BA, Bhatt AS, Nordkild P, Wehkamp J, Jensen BAH, Minguet S, Duyster J, Zeiser R, Köhler N. Human β-defensin 2 ameliorates acute GVHD by limiting ileal neutrophil infiltration and restraining T cell receptor signaling. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Dec 21;14(676):eabp9675. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abp9675. Epub 2022 Dec 21. PMID: 36542690.

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Bauer J, Köhler N, Maringer Y, Bucher P, Bilich T, Zwick M, Dicks S, Nelde A, Dubbelaar M, Scheid J, Wacker M, Heitmann JS, Schroeder S, Rieth J, Denk M, Richter M, Klein R, Bonzheim I, Luibrand J, Holzer U, Ebinger M, Brecht IB, Bitzer M, Boerries M, Feucht J, Salih HR, Rammensee HG, Hailfinger S, Walz JS. The oncogenic fusion protein DNAJB1-PRKACA can be specifically targeted by peptide-based immunotherapy in fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. Nat Commun. 2022 Oct 27;13(1):6401. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33746-3.

Ho JNHG, Schmidt D, Lowinus T, Ryoo J, Dopfer EP, Gonzalo Núñez N, Costa-Pereira S, Toffalori C, Punta M, Fetsch V, Wertheimer T, Rittmann MC, Braun LM, Follo M, Briere C, Vinnakota JM, Langenbach M, Koppers F, Shoumariyeh K, Engel H, Rückert T, Märklin M, Holzmayer S, Illert AL, Magon F, Andrieux G, Duquesne S, Pfeifer D, Staniek J, Rizzi M, Miething C, Köhler N, Duyster J, Menssen HD, Boerries M, Buescher JM, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Blazar BR, Apostolova P, Vago L, Pearce EL, Becher B, Zeiser R. Targeting MDM2 enhances antileukemia immunity after allogeneic transplantation via MHC-II and TRAIL-R1/2 upregulation. Blood. 2022 Sep 8;140(10):1167-1181. doi: 10.1182/blood.2022016082.

Highlighted by this Editorial: Bleakley M, Biernacki M. MDM2 inhibition augments GVL effect. Blood. 2022 Sep 8;140(10):1064-1065. doi: 10.1182/blood.2022017724. PMID: 36074535.

Avery TY, Köhler N, Zeiser R, Brummer T, Ruess DA. Onco-immunomodulatory properties of pharmacological interference with RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway hyperactivation. Front Oncol. 2022 Jul 27;12:931774. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.931774.

Haring E, Andrieux G, Uhl FM, Krausz M, Proietti M, Sauer B, Esser PR, Martin SF, Pfeifer D, Schmitt-Graeff A, Duyster J, Köhler N, Grimbacher B, Boerries M, Aumann K, Zeiser R, Apostolova P. Therapeutic targeting of endoplasmic reticulum stress in acute graft-versus-host disease. Haematologica. 2022 Jul 1;107(7):1538-1554. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2021.278387.

Köhler N, Zeiser R. Epigenetic Regulation to Enhance Graft-versus-Leukemia Activity. Cancer Discov. 2022 Jun 2;12(6):1410-1412.